
    English Japanese Universe

JBOYSOFT is iPhone iPad App
independent developer, publisher

cell notepad
App Store

Cell Notepad
2015 June
iPhone iPad Apple Watch

miyako icon monkey icon

before 2014 old-Apps
unsupported current iOS version


  • Aug. 2019: New web site and New App link


    New site supported SSL https:// and IPv6, more safty and fast.

    Privacy policy :

    JBOYSOFT Apps don't collect your personal information. JBOYSOFT website don't collect your Cookies.
    Because, I like you, I like people more than money.
    Also I don't sell my words.
    With honesty, until passing away.
    Junji Suzuki

  • App [ Calculator Junji ] How to SPEAK ?

  • App [ Calculator Junji ] update 11.2
    renamed [Calc Billion]

  • App [ Notepad Junji ]
    You can read your memos-text-save-data anytime.

    [Notepad Junji] can load old data automaticaly.

    Your iOS 11 has [Files App]. Please use it.
    In [Browse] - [Locations] - [On My iPhone or iPad] - [Notepad Junji].
    [notepad] file is old-data of [Notepad Jobs].
    [notepadjunji] file is new-data of [Notepad Junji].
    Official Apple Support : Use the Files app on your iPhone, iPad other way by iTunes with Mac or PC
    Official Apple Support : About File Sharing on iPhone, iPad Basic Specifications:
    Always [ Notepad Junji ] [ Notepad Jobs ] save the data to in each device (iPhone, iPad), Not cloud-server-storage.
    The each device has each save-data. There is no relation between data.

  • renovation [ Notepad Junji ](2017)
    from Old-Apps [ Notepad Jobs ](2012)
I promise NO-Ads, NO-Tracking, and Safe for Children. with honesty until pass away.

Contact about App

  • I'm really thankful for your feedback message.
    Please contact by in App Store, each App's page [Ratings and Reviews - Customer Reviews - Write a Review]
    I read all the comments in 155 countries App Store.

    Contact other

    e-mail address in Our App's support page